

Whatever you decide to do make sure you have a chance to reflect on your everyday habits and try to make Earth Day Every Day!...         

Plastic Bottles..........They’re manufactured, packaged, shipped, flown, trucked, and then refrigerated for days only to be thrown away 10 minutes after they’re bought. What a waste!

Plastic Bags.....Can you cross a car park without one? Humans have crossed desserts, oceans and icy landscapes for 1,000’s of years without plastic bags. 

Give it a try.

Styrene Foam........It’s a water resistant, floating, shock absorbing, heat-insulating saboteur of nature. Cups and take-out food ware are the biggest culprits, but the alternatives are plenty.

Pledge all Three  Think you can do it? Go for it! Eliminating all three items from your life makes the biggest impact on the health of our oceans and our planet.      - Pledge Now »


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