I'm really getting into this computer thing. I enjoy it very much....enjoy the friends I've made on the computer...friends from all over the world. Enjoy my family who are scattered all over. We talk and share and play games together. Share our pets, and the seasons...right now the falling leaves and the end of summer. I've found some wonderful recipes to cook some playful meals.
Some musings I have this a.m.: Although we purchase twice what we did in the 50's can I honestly say I am happier for it? Do I sense that my neighbors, friends, and family are more at peace, joyful, at ease? Do I feel in them a palpable sense of well-being and delight? If not, why not? My car runs faster, telephone reaches farther, computers are everywhere, dishwasher more efficient, armies better equipped, our police have more weaponry, medicines are more powerful, the interstate highways are bigger and reach farther, buildings are safer, more modern, and temperature controlled. I have, in short, everything I ever wanted or dreamed of. Or do I? Do I take the time to enjoy and thank God for all these blessings?
It is my pleasure, today, to consider all these things and taste the sweetness of peace, serenity, well-being, and delight.....take each moment of each day as it comes and enjoy and be happy, trusting my father in heaven. The truth must be told: With all the money in the world, and no time or gratitude in my heart, I really have nothing at all.