
My friend told me that he once saw a huge clock.  You could see both the face of the clock, and if you walked around to the other side, you could also see the inner workings.  If you were standing on the side with the face, it seemed like nothing was happening for a full sixty seconds.  Then, "bong!" the giant minute hand would suddenly move.  However, if you were standing behind the scenes that whole time, you would have seen that there were hundreds of little parts, all moving and working together.
The point is, that often while we wait, and assume nothing is happening, there are actually millions of details being worked out behind the scenes on our behalf.  If all we're looking at is the face of the situation, it seems like an eternity of big, fat, nothingness.  Which is where faith comes in.  We need to take time (Get it? heh, heh. Time.) to relax and breathe. Take time to be still. 

I don't know about you, or what
you're waiting on, but I was so encouraged that perhaps right this minute, is a good time for each of us to let go and simply trust.

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