
Are Americans inadvertently becoming lonelier? Am I the only one who seems to be among people all the time but still feel lonely? There seems to be a spreading malaise of social disconnection - decrease in the number of meaningful conversations we all have with one another. Is this a disturbing trend or is it me? I thought it was just me, that I couldn't think of anything to say that amounted to much. So many seem to want to go it alone. Our contemporary lifestyles of overwork and busy-busy leaves little time for personal relationships; the shame of feeling left out causes me to not articulate my loneliness, even to myself. The new communication technologies-internet, cell phones, etc. for all their beelike exchange promotes a disembodied, hollow quality that staves off intimacy. It's very hard to really get to know someone. It's so easy to slide into gossip but we don't really get to know one another -- just surface talk. Is it fear? Maybe I'm afraid to let someone know who I really am. I'm afraid or not sure of myself? Oh well, just musing .....or a senior moment.

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