
Mind Garden

This is taken from a fascinating book I read, My stroke of Insight," by Jill Taylor. "Regardless of the mind I have inherited, once I consciously take over the responsibility of tending it, I choose to nurture those circuits that I want to grow, and consciously prune back those circuits I prefer to live without. Although it is easier for me to nip a weed when it is just a sprouting bud, with determination and perseverance, even the gnarliest of vines, when deprived of fuel, will eventually lose its strength and fall to the side."
As an artistic person, I view my mind as a garden, a sacred patch of real estate, that God has entrusted me to tend over the years of my lifetime. As an independent person, along with my genes and my environment, I can paint & decorate this space within my cranium as I wish and be the kind of person I want to be.

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