
Book I'm Reading

Gail McMeekin's 12 Secrets of highly creative WOMEN is an unrelentless barrage of good news. Someone said this was a good book so I ordered it and it finally came. It is a lovely book - I'm really enjoying it. It's kind of like a portable mentor, helping me to understand the creative process with it's ups and downs. It seems to me that nearly everyone has a far greater potential for creativity than he or she uses. Every time I sit down with it, I'm lifted up and carried away.

The air feels like spring and summer are on it's way. We've had 80 and 90 degree temps the last few days making it nice for enjoying our patio. Flowers and trees are blooming. Virg brought home some strawberries that were picked right out of the field in Indio today. Yum-m-m!

We bought a new to us motorhome to make our travels a bit nicer. We want to go to Scott's graduation in May, so we can try it out then. It also gives us a place to stay when we visit Bob and Jack's and we can take Murphy with us without the bother of kenneling him.

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