
ahh... spring, i love it. honestly, it makes my heart all fuzzy, to see kids being kids. no schedules to follow... sleeping late, having long lazy breakfasts, lunches outside as a family, laughing under the sun and stars.  Lotz of spring breakers here with us, enjoying the beauties, swimming, sun bathing and slow life here in the desert
slow slow,  these are the days...
a deep sigh for desert country air, love
falling asleep with a book in my palms.

love gathering strawberries and honey combs in my basket,
from the local farmers, and thinking, i could get used to this.

i love my fountain, that flows the most beautiful water, 

it calls my name. 
do you know, that soothing sound of water, flowing? 

it's sheer poetry, from the most high.
i allowed this water to...
flow straight to my heart
to seep into the most fragile + broken places inside of me
to baptize me anew
to fill me with understanding and love to the brim of my soul
the sunshine joined the party and i had no choice, but to walk away a better person. i dig that.

 : )

life is good

real good

thank you, God

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